Trainings & Consultations
Next Available Training
Friday, June 30, 2023, and August 25, 2023, @ 9:00 am. Register here.
This one-day training provided by the Organization for Prostitution Survivors hones in on methodologies for remaining trauma-informed and survivor-centered on both the macro- and micro-levels within the work walk alongside survivors of Commercial Sexual exploitation. The training begins with a focus on creating sustainable processes from an organizational perspective that promotes a trauma-informed workspace where both survivors and allies can thrive. The latter half of the workshop focuses on creating and nurturing practices that move the needle of practice toward promoting a survivor-centered organization and movement. Both sections will identify challenges, outline potential solutions, and give examples of OPS best practices that organizations can employ to promote a sustainable and healthy work environment that centers around the lived experience of those we serve.
Training and Consultations with Your Organization
OPS engages with others in the community to ensure that there will be no wrong door for survivors to enter, that wherever they go they will be treated with the respect, dignity, and understanding they deserve and that necessary resources and referrals are available to them. Our technical assistance training works with organizations to create a more equitable, survivor-centered culture.
OPS is pleased to offer trainings such as:
Survivor-Centered Organizations and Programming
Restorative Survivor-Centered HR
Survivor Voices- Elevate, Engage, and Effect Change 2023
The Art of Transformation
Somatics and Integrated Movement Therapy
Survivor-Centered Engagement
Survivor Leadership and Informed-Intentionality
Survivor-Centered Cross-Sector Collaboration
Subculture and the Life
Impacts of Trauma on Brain and Behavior
Stages of Change
Motivational Interviewing
Healing Organizational Trauma
Tapping into Transferable Skills
I want an OPS Training at my organization!
Survivor Leadership Workshops
Identity & Healing
The Power of Lived Experiences and Transferable Skills
Policy Approaches to Prostitution and Navigating Government Structures
Understanding Gender and Women’s Condition in Social Constructs and Oppression
Op-Ed Writing
Public Speaking
Social Media Activism
Lateral Oppression
Healthy Conflict Navigation
Navigating the Square World
Economic Empowerment and Financial Literacy
Boundaries and Self-Care
Executive Functioning Skill Development
Overcoming Self-Defeating Thoughts and Behaviors
Fostering Connections
Overcoming Shame and Stigma
Building Safety and Security
Interpersonal Communication