The Healing Power of Survivor Support

In times of struggle, reaching out to loved ones can provide solace and acceptance, helping to alleviate the feelings of isolation and alienation. These connections can offer a lifeline, giving survivors of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) a safe space to ventilate and accept the support offered by their family and friends.

However, beyond these personal networks, support groups play a crucial role in the healing journey of survivors. These groups offer a unique and understanding environment where individuals can connect with others who share similar experiences. Within these circles of trust, survivors find emotional support, validation, and a sense of belonging that can be incredibly empowering and healing.

The power of sharing stories, insights, and coping strategies with those who have endured similar challenges cannot be overstated. In these support groups, survivors find solace in the shared journey they're on. The process of divulging vulnerabilities and achievements in a safe space helps to reduce feelings of isolation and cultivate a profound sense of community. As survivors navigate the path towards healing, these support groups become invaluable resources, providing understanding, strength, and resilience.

At the Organization for Prostitution Survivors (OPS), our mission is to support individuals in or out of the life, without judgment, but with unwavering support. We work collaboratively with survivors, placing their needs at the forefront, to help them build a vision for the rest of their lives. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to empower survivors in their journey towards healing and recovery.

Through case management, one-on-one advocacy, therapy sessions, and integrated movement therapy, we provide survivors with the tools they need to reclaim their lives. Our addiction and recovery support, coupled with referrals to housing resources, serve as crucial stepping stones towards stability and independence. Additionally, OPS offers community meals, therapeutic art workshops, yoga, peer engagement, employment services, leadership, and professional development opportunities. Our commitment extends beyond our organization, as we connect survivors to various community resources, assisting them on every step of their healing journey.

We invite survivors to join our Survivor Support Group, held every Thursday from 3:30-5pm. This safe space offers invaluable insights and an opportunity for healing to flourish. Each week, we explore different themes and topics relevant to survivor experiences, fostering a rich and dynamic environment for collective growth and empowerment.

Our Survivor Support Group sessions, held at OPS located at 112 SW 157th St, Burien, WA, 98166, are a testament to our unwavering dedication to and belief in the resilience of survivors. We strive to create an environment where survivors can find strength, support, and hope in the company of individuals who truly understand their journey.

At OPS, we believe that healing and recovery are attainable for every survivor of CSE. By fostering connection, offering support groups, and providing a comprehensive range of services, we aim to create a community where survivors can thrive and truly reclaim their lives. Together, we can break the cycle of gender-based violence and build a future rooted in compassion and empowerment.


How to Ask for Space and Time Alone: A Guilt-Free Journey to Self-Care


Learning to Say No After CSE: Prioritizing Your Needs and Protecting Yourself